2 Young people in training
Photo: Jason Goodman / Unsplash
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Fulfilled professional dream despite learning difficulties

caritas oö course for learning difficulties, course for learning difficulties

In Linz, the Caritas School for Social Care Professions on Salesianumweg offers a special integrative training programme for people with learning difficulties. The two-year course to become a specialised social support worker for the disabled (IBB) is aimed at people aged 19 and over who wish to pursue a career in the social sector. This unique training opportunity has established itself as a successful model and opens up new prospects in working life for participants.

Personal development included

Alicia Hauser from Grieskirchen is one of the participants on this innovative training programme. She has always wanted to work with people. The "NAVI Wels" vocational orientation course organised by Caritas drew her attention to the possibility of integrative training as a specialist social worker. She has now been part of the programme for one and a half years and is gaining experience in her internship at PINK Kindergarten in Grieskirchen. The support of a second teacher in the classroom and specially prepared teaching materials make learning easier for the participants, which leads to increased self-confidence.

The unique Caritas programme in Upper Austria

The integrative Caritas course in Linz is unique in Upper Austria and has been running since 2018. The admission criteria for this special training programme are clearly defined: Applicants must provide proof of special educational needs, recognition under the Disability Act or a mild intellectual disability.

The integrative Caritas training programme in Linz offers people with learning difficulties the opportunity to achieve their professional goals and make a valuable contribution to society. Through targeted support in the classroom and practice-orientated training, participants receive the tools they need for a successful professional future in the social sector.

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Source: PA Caritas Upper Austria

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