This was also the case in Lichtenberg, near the provincial capital of Linz, where adults, with the support of the local fire brigade youth, swarmed out together with dedicated children one morning and collected more than 80 kg of rubbish along the streets.
The fifty or so participants, mainly children and young people, were delighted to have made a valuable contribution to a clean environment.
In addition, all participants experienced the consequences that carelessly discarded rubbish has for nature, that rubbish is not just unsightly, does not rot and has to be cleared away by someone.
A campaign for a well-kept public space, but above all a campaign that creates an awareness of how to treat the nature entrusted to us with care. The municipality thanked them for their energetic commitment with Leberkäsesemmerl and drinks.
It's brilliant to see how children and young people can get excited about their environment and are willing to help.
#schongenial - We make positive things visible - we make positive things conscious. already brilliant!