Aktionsbild Drei Hilft "PCs für Alle"
Foto: Drei Hilft
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

"PCs for everyone!"

The "PCs for All" association has set itself the task of enabling those people to participate in the digital world and in e-learning who were previously unable to do so for financial reasons.

The non-profit organisation "PCs for All" also sends out a clear signal in favour of responsible and resource-conserving action in everyday life under the motto: Helping instead of throwing away.

Used PCs, laptops, monitors and accessories are accepted as donations, professionally refurbished and then given to schools, charitable NGOs and financially disadvantaged people free of charge.

In this way, countless people, especially children and young people, are given a technical path into the digital future.

As is so often the case in life, as Erich Kästner once said, "There is nothing good unless you do it", it was a private individual who recognised the bottleneck and launched this initiative.

We cannot thank Peter Bernescherer, the initiator of the idea of refurbishing old appliances and passing them on to people who urgently need them, enough.

Avoiding electronic waste and giving people new prospects is a double incentive for #DreiHilft to provide those devices that can no longer be used in the company. "Drei has been cooperating with "PCs for All" for two years. What is particularly touching about this is that #Drei employees are also supporting the project from their own private collections.

This is how society succeeds. #simplegenius

It's nice to see so many positive things: