Boku Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory
Photo: Media Centre - BOKU-IT
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Globally unique hydraulic engineering laboratory at BOKU Vienna

hydraulic engineering laboratory vienna, boku vienna hydraulic engineering laboratory

The world's only hydraulic engineering laboratory of the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU) Vienna was opened in Vienna-Brigittenau directly on the Danube. This innovative laboratory promises ground-breaking research opportunities by analysing river processes on a full-scale.

The opening marks a milestone in hydraulic engineering science and offers the opportunity to gain far-reaching insights into flood protection, ecology, hydropower and navigation.

Unrivalled worldwide

The uniqueness of the hydraulic engineering laboratory lies in its ability to channel up to 10,000 litres of water per second through the huge hall at full scale. The initiator and scientific director, Helmut Habersack, emphasises the worldwide unparalleled nature of this laboratory: "What is unique on a global scale is that we can channel up to 10,000 litres of flow per second through the hall by simply opening gates." This impressive flow rate enables authentic experiments without having to rely on scaling, as was the case with earlier model experiments.

Diverse research content

The research content of the hydraulic engineering laboratory ranges from the investigation of natural phenomena such as river bed erosion, silting and flooding to research into ecological processes and the interaction between river and groundwater under laboratory conditions. An EU-funded project called "DANUBE4all" is focussing in particular on the disturbed sediment balance of the Danube. This has far-reaching effects on flood protection, hydropower plants and the planned partial restoration of the Danube.

In addition to its research function, the hydraulic engineering laboratory will also serve as a place for education and information. Exhibitions are planned in the Public Lab on the upper floor, which will be open primarily to school classes, teachers and interested parties. The hydraulic engineering laboratory at BOKU Vienna is undoubtedly setting new standards in international hydraulic engineering science and will be of crucial importance for future research and developments.

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Source: Doris Manola,
