Rupert Staudinger tests the sensors in the laboratory
Photo: © Salzburg Research
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Sport & Health

Innovation on runners

luge, luge sport, innovation in the luge sector

The world of luge is undergoing a revolutionary change thanks to the influence of state-of-the-art digital technology, which makes it possible to take athletes' performance and movements to a whole new level. Under the leadership of scientist Rupert Staudinger, a successful luger from Schönau am Königssee in Bavaria, and supported by Salzburg Research, an innovative system is being developed that pushes the boundaries of what was previously possible.

The use of sensors for precise analysis

The key to the new era of luge sports lies in the installation of state-of-the-art sensors on the luges. These sensors are designed to provide all relevant data in real time during the runs in the ice channel. They record movements and forces that remain invisible to the human eye or conventional cameras. Rupert Staudinger explains that the system precisely records the athlete's subtlest weight shifts, pressure exertions and steering impulses.

A look behind the scenes

Previously, the runs in the ice channel were transmitted by radio to trainers, who then analysed and evaluated the videos. However, this method reached its limits, as the important steering impulses could not be measured directly. With the new sensors on the luge, this shortcoming can be remedied. This gives athletes and coaches a much more detailed picture of the individual runs and allows them to work on targeted improvements.

The path to the high-tech luge

Rupert Staudinger's luge sleds are now more like high-tech devices than conventional sports equipment. A total of six pressure sensors are fitted: three at the back, two on the handles and one at the front of the runners. This system, which is currently being tested in the Salzburg Research laboratory, promises to usher in a new era of performance analysis in luge.

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