#schongenial: The still very young, newly founded Rollsportlandesverband Salzburg offers a platform for all roller sportsmen and women and all roller sports clubs. Your association currently represents the disciplines of speed skating, inline hockey, inline skater hockey, roller derby, roller figure skating and skateboarding. What are the goals of the newly founded association?
Günter Gorbach: Our aim is to network and exchange experiences between the clubs and athletes, establish contacts for finding sports facilities and provide advice on funding opportunities. We focus on grassroots sport, train young people in most disciplines and are increasingly creating the framework conditions for young athletes to develop towards professionalism and top-class sport.
#schongenial: When you talk about development, values always come up for discussion. Off the top of your head, which values are important for you personally, but also for sport as a whole?
Günter Gorbach: Clearly, mutual respect, a common approach to sport and mutual appreciation are very important to us.
#schongenial: Is roller sports only aimed at young people?
Günter Gorbach: No, roller sports offer a wide range of opportunities for people of all ages and abilities. The variety and dynamism of these sports fascinate and inspire in equal measure. Through roller sports, people not only find fun in movement, but also an opportunity for self-development, personal development and the creation of new social bonds.
#schongenial: That means you attribute a high degree of social importance to sport, especially roller sports?
Günter Gorbach: Our association is passionately committed to sharing and promoting this enthusiasm for roller sports. We organise competitions, events and training camps to give people of all ages the opportunity to get to know roller sports and improve their skills, but also to consciously experience community. We firmly believe that roller sports are a way of life. With commitment, enthusiasm and cohesion, we want to promote this attitude in Salzburg and make roller sports a permanent fixture in the regional sports landscape.
#schongenial: We are delighted to welcome the recently founded Salzburg Roller Sports Association as a #schongenial partner. It gives us great pleasure, it is our mission to make positive things visible and aware. It is people like you who volunteer for the success of our society, and this is not a matter of course. We wish you all the best for your presidency, many successes, which we will be very happy to report on, and thank you very much for the interview.