Bergheim primary school
The three teams in the regional final: Pupils from Pfarrwerfen primary school, Bergheim primary school and St. Georgen im Pinzgau primary school | Photo: Salzburg AG
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Science & Education

Children are on the trail of energy guzzlers!

Energy guzzlers" school programme, Salzburg AG, primary school classes, energy detective, winner Bergheim primary school

Salzburg AG's school programme, which has the motto "On the trail of energy guzzlers", introduces children to the topics of energy generation, efficient use of energy and energy saving in a playful way.

46 fourth-grade primary school classes from all over the province acted as "energy detectives" to "track down energy guzzlers". Special teaching materials on the subject of saving energy and a visit from an energy consultant to the school classes are part of Salzburg AG's school programme. The end of the energy detective training programme is always a very special highlight: the three best classes are given the opportunity to put their knowledge to the test in a 1,2 or 3 quiz in the state final. Bergheim primary school came out on top in the final against the other two fourth classes from St Georgen im Pinzgau and Pfarrwerfen.

"With our school programme, we want to raise awareness of the topics of energy, energy transition combined with energy efficiency and, above all, energy saving among children. Together with the pupils, our experts explore how energy, mobility and drinking water can be used with particular care and what it takes to do so. By raising awareness at an early stage, we can work together with the adults of tomorrow towards a sustainable, green future and continue to pursue our clear goal - Decarboniser - of producing at least 2 TWh of renewable electricity per year by 2040. In order to achieve this goal, it is not only essential to drive forward the expansion of renewables.

Energy efficiency also plays a major role here. Our strategy is not only to build new power plants, but also to increase their efficiency," said Michael Baminger and Herwig Struber, both members of the Salzburg AG Management Board.

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