Photo: Maximarkt
Photo: Maximarkt
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

Good for the climate, good for your wallet!

Maximarkt has long been committed to ensuring that edible food does not end up in the rubbish bin. For example, a fruit and vegetable box (approx. 4 kg) was created, which is filled with fresh produce from discarded nets and bulk packaging and is offered daily at the checkout for €4.

Of course, products labelled with a "Minus 50%" sticker are particularly attractive to consumers. They are close to the end of their best-before date (BBD), but are fully fit for consumption. This means that perfectly good bread, products from the chiller cabinet such as cheese, yoghurt and much more can be purchased very cheaply, making them taste even better.

#It's great when retailers take the trouble to re-sort the goods by hand and offer them at favourable prices. It's up to us to take advantage of the offers - then we too will become part of Maximarkt's food saviour initiative. Already ingenious

It's nice to see so many positive things: