Vortuna health resort, Bad Leonfelden
Photo: Vortuna Gesundheitsresort GmbH Bad Leonfelden
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Sport & Health

Because the head has a say everywhere

#schongenial in conversation with Primaria Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer, specialist in psychiatry and psychotherapeutic medicine and medical director at the VORTUNA health resort.

Prim. Dr. Brigitte Lindenbauer, Vortuna Gesundheitsresort GmbH Bad Leonfelden
Prim. Dr. Brigitte Lindenbauer, Vortuna Gesundheitsresort GmbH Bad Leonfelden

#schongenial: Mental health problems are on the rise, which manifestations are particularly common?

Prim. Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer: Patients often complain about sleep and concentration disorders, mood swings, listlessness, brooding, but worries and fears also affect people's well-being.

#schongenial: Are there any warning signs of impending impairments before they manifest themselves as a concrete clinical picture, what signals should we pay particular attention to?

Prim. Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer: If one of these symptoms occurs repeatedly or constantly and you are increasingly less able to control your state of mind, you should focus on changing your requirements or environmental conditions or seek professional help.

#schongenial: Increased demands in the world of work, what stresses do patients describe to you as a doctor? Is it the increasing workload, i.e. the scope of the work and the time pressure, or is it more the social conditions, such as interpersonal interaction, the working atmosphere, lack of appreciation ...?

Prim. Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer: Increased work density normally leads to a deterioration in the working atmosphere from a certain level of stress, because the pressure is passed on to colleagues and there is less time available for positive social contact. If one of these circumstances already causes increased individual stress, this increases when the second occurs.

#schongenial: What advice do you have for people who, stimulated by advertising and social media, build up pressure to fulfil their own expectations? Restricting media consumption will probably only be one option, but it will not be possible to completely eliminate it in this day and age.

Prim. Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer: We should always be aware that this content - as in advertising television - reflects highly embellished individual aspects of reality. Comparing your own situation with this content can only lead to negatively distorted images.

#schongenial: What exactly does psychoneuroimmunology and its effects on the immune system mean to a layperson?

Prim. Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer: The messenger substances found in neuronal networks simultaneously influence components of the human immune system and vice versa. We have long been aware of this fact in everyday life - when we are stressed and overworked, for example, we contract infections more easily.

#schongenial: Psychosomatics has long been concerned with the interplay between physical complaints and mental dynamics. The axis between the microbiome and mental well-being is the subject of intensive research. What impact do the research findings have on preventive measures and therapy?

Prim. Dr Brigitte Lindenbauer: The current research results on the microbiome have not yet reached a level of evidence (A, B) from which clear recommendations for therapy or prevention can be derived.

#schongenial: What therapy steps/components does the holistic approach at the Vortuna Health Resort include in accompanying patients on their path to health?

Prim. Dr. Brigitte Lindenbauer: It's about dealing with patterns of life and behaviour or individual perspectives that are detrimental to (mental) health. This results in the development of new conflict and relationship strategies as well as an expanded scope of action for problem-solving skills.

This is achieved through group and individual therapies with therapists from various professional groups. If necessary, appropriate medication is prescribed or adjusted by a specialist.

#schongenial: Thank you very much for the interview.

#schongenial - We make positive things visible - we make positive things conscious! already brilliant!

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