Photo: Amy Hirschi / Unsplash
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Economy & Infrastructure

Comeback of the pensioners

At a time when skilled labour is in short supply and people are staying in work for longer, the comeback of retirees is becoming increasingly important.

This development is not only a reaction to the labour shortage, but also a consequence of increasing life expectancy and changing attitudes towards retirement age.

A response to the shortage of skilled labour

Despite migration and immigration, Austria has recorded a negative birth rate since 2020. This demographic challenge is exacerbated by forecasts which indicate that in the next 20 to 30 years there will be an average of 10 people leaving the labour market for every 6 new entrants. In this context, the number of people of retirement age who want or need to work is rising steadily. There are many reasons for this: some return for financial reasons, to supplement their income or to cope with uncertainty. Others want to remain active, be mentally and physically challenged and stay socially connected. In addition, retirees often bring extensive professional experience with them, which is valued by employers.

It's a match

In view of this development, Wolfgang Feichtenschlager decided a year ago to set up a job exchange specifically for people in the third stage of life. The 60plus job exchange is aimed at those who want to continue working and at companies that want to benefit from the experience, historical knowledge and value structure of older employees.

Under the motto "The young act, the old counsel" (Goethe), we strive to combine the new world of digitalisation and artificial intelligence with the traditional world of experience.

How the 60plus job exchange works

Companies can register as partners and publish their vacancies on the Jobbörse 60plus website. Interested applicants can contact the companies directly. The Jobbörse 60plus also offers information and legal advice for both companies and applicants.

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