Weir system in Feldkirchen Vorarlberg
Photo: Markus Ganahl / Unsplash
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Economy & Infrastructure

Electricity - from the mountain

appreciation, already ingenious, making positive things visible

Austria, known for its breathtaking landscapes and picturesque mountain scenery, harbours an often overlooked potential for green energy production: storage ponds. With around 4,000 small hydropower plants in the country, which already cover 10 per cent of domestic electricity demand, the use of storage ponds offers a promising opportunity to generate additional clean electricity

A sustainable solution for Austria's energy needs

A recently published report reveals the potential of storage ponds in Upper Austria that are currently used for snow production with snow cannons. The association "Kleinwasserkraft Österreich" estimates that these ponds could generate an additional 390,000 kilowatts of power by utilising them more efficiently. While snow cannons are in operation for around 250 hours per season, the water reserves remain unutilised for the rest of the year.

How storage ponds could reduce the price of electricity

The idea of using these unused resources to generate electricity not only has ecological benefits, but could also stabilise the price of electricity and improve the grid structure. According to the "Kleinwasserkraft Österreich" association, pumped storage power plants in ski resorts could help to quickly balance out fluctuations in the electricity grid and thus ensure a reliable and sustainable energy supply.

Most of the technical requirements for the utilisation of storage ponds are already in place. In the ski resorts, where many of these ponds are located, there is already essential infrastructure such as power and water lines that could be used to generate electricity. This existing infrastructure could facilitate the implementation of new energy projects and accelerate the transition to renewable energy, with estimates suggesting that around 17 of the 29 reservoirs in Upper Austria alone are suitable for generating electricity. In view of the increasing challenges of climate change, the production of green electricity from these sources is not only an environmentally friendly alternative, but also an important measure for securing the energy supply in the future.

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