Man with magnifying glass solders circuit board
Photo: Bermix Studio / Unsplash
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial
Cuisine & Culture

Experience Austria's coffee house culture in a completely different way

appreciation, making positive things visible, already ingenious

In a world where consumerism and throwaway culture are often the norm, initiatives such as Repair Cafés have become true oases of sustainability. A Repair Café is a meeting place where people come together to repair broken items. These meetings are usually organised on a voluntary basis and offer a wide range of tools and materials for repairs of all kinds, be it clothing, furniture, electrical appliances, bicycles or toys.

However, what makes a Repair Café special is not only the availability of tools and materials, but also the presence of experienced volunteers who contribute their expertise and skills in various areas.

Collaborative solutions for a sustainable future

Nowadays, huge amounts of resources are wasted by throwing away items that often only need a simple repair. However, the knowledge and skills to repair have been lost in many parts of society, especially among younger generations. This not only poses a threat to a sustainable future, but also to the circular economy in which raw materials can be reused.

From the throwaway culture to the repair revolution

Repair Cafés offer a solution to this problem by not only teaching practical repair skills, but also creating an awareness of the appreciation and value of repairs. By extending the lifespan of items and reducing waste, Repair Cafés help to conserve resources and reduce CO2 emissions. In addition, they promote a change in mentality towards a more sustainable society by encouraging people to perceive and appreciate objects in a new way.

All in all, Repair Cafés are more than just places for repairs. They are symbols of a more conscious and sustainable way of life based on community, knowledge sharing and practical solidarity.

#schongenial - We make positive things visible, already ingenious!


