Mondsee alpine hut
Photo: Andreas Pillichshammer
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Nature & Tourism

Revitalisation of the Mondseer Hochalm

appreciation, already ingenious, making positive things visible

In the centre of Mondseeland lies the Mondseer Hochalm, a place of historical significance and natural beauty. Over time, however, this place has lost its former splendour and is now overgrown with spruce monocultures.

Now, however, the Mondseer Hochalm is facing a phase of reconstruction and revitalisation, with a clear goal in mind: the return to a living and cultural space for future generations.

A sustainable project for people and nature

The overarching aim of this ambitious project by Andreas Pillichshammer is to revitalise the Mondseer Hochalm and thus reclaim lost living and cultural space. The term "living space" means that the Hochalm should once again be permanently inhabited by alpine pasture staff in summer. Hikers are catered for, making the alp a local recreation area for the population and an additional attraction for holidaymakers in Mondseeland. "Cultural space" means the attractive redesign of the original alpine pasture area from the point of view of ecological sustainability.

A unique revitalisation project

An integral part of the revitalisation is the presentation of the history of the alpine pasture. In addition, up to two therapy places will be created and groups will be able to organise educational weeks. The revitalisation of the Mondseer Hochalm thus has a number of desirable consequences: The local population will regain an attractive local recreation area, tourism will benefit from an additional attraction, young people will have the opportunity to learn in nature and unique therapy places will be created for difficult young people.

#schongenial - We make positive things visible.


