The pupils of class 6A of the Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium Enns with Deputy Governor Christine Haberlander, Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr Lukas Hefler, Head of the Department of Gynaecology at the Ordensklinikum Linz and Convent Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy, Dr Stefan Meusburger, Managing Director of the Ordensklinikum Linz and Hubert Eisl, Managing Director of the Convent Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy Linz.
The pupils of class 6A of the Bundesgymnasium and Bundesrealgymnasium Enns with Deputy Governor Christine Haberlander, Prim. Prof. Dr Lukas Hefler, Head of the Department of Gynaecology at the Ordensklinikum Linz and Convent Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy, Dr Stefan Meusburger, Managing Director of the Ordensklinikum Linz and Hubert Eisl, Managing Director of the Convent Hospital of the Brothers of Mercy Linz. Photo: Religious Hospital Linz
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Successful school competition to promote prevention

The "Petrol Ribbon" initiator Prim. Univ.-Prof. Dr Lukas Hefler, Head of the Department of Gynaecology at the Ordensklinikum Linz, has been committed to increasing vaccination participation in the HPV vaccination for over ten years. Cervical cancer is caused by 90 per cent of human papilloma viruses (HPV), against which the HPV vaccination offers almost 100 per cent protection. The "Petrol Ribbon" initiative of the Karl Landsteiner Institute for Gynaecological Surgery and Oncology has been providing information on topics relating to abdominal cancer and the HPV vaccination for a decade.

In autumn 2023, Prim. Hefler called on Upper Austrian schools to take part in an ideas competition to raise awareness of the HPV vaccination. "As the vaccination is now offered free of charge until the age of 30, adolescents and young adults are the target group alongside school-age children," said Hefler. A total of 15 schools took part and presented their projects to a jury of doctors and public relations experts in the ballroom of the Ordensklinikum Linz. "We were impressed by the creativity and professionalism of the ideas," explained Hefler. The campaigns included social media, posters and campaign days.

First place went to 6A of the Bundesgymnasium und Bundesrealgymnasium Enns with the project "Let's drop something about HPV".

The initiatives that are being launched in Austria are #schongenial, it's brilliant how committed and creative the young pupils are.

#schongenial how much is being done in Austria for prevention and is being made available to the public free of charge.

It's nice to see so many positive things: