Girl with woman in slow train
We all need someone who believes in us, inspires and motivates us | Photo: Marc Greber/younus
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

The country needs more "younus"!

Non-profit organisation, mentoring, volunteer mentors

Even the name younus, which is made up of "you and us", beautifully expresses the mission of one of Austria's largest mentoring organisations:

Establishing interpersonal relationships, building trust, opening up perspectives and strengthening social cohesion. Volunteer mentors support children, young people and parents as mentors for at least six months.

The non-profit organisation began its activities in 2012 under the name "Big Brothers Big Sisters Austria" - but more on this later - and can now look back on a strong development. In 2023, there were 413 active mentees throughout Austria, 90.5 % of whom were between 3 and 18 years old, 68.6 % of whom have a mother tongue other than German.

Like many other things, the idea for founding this mentoring initiative in Austria came from America. In 1904, US court clerk Ernest Coulter observed that more and more young people were appearing in court. His idea was to give young people a "big brother" to accompany them through life. That characterises America and its people: recognising problems, looking for solutions and implementing them! It's great that younus has added another facet to the legendary Austrian willingness to help.

If you also want to volunteer as a mentor, then younus is the right place for you.

#schongenial - when a spark ignites that was lit exactly 100 years ago and makes a substantial contribution to achieving the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). We make positive things visible - we make positive things conscious! already brilliant!
