Clean hydrogen energy concept
Photo: Parradee Kietsirikul
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Economy & Infrastructure

Upper Austrian pioneer project - Europe's energy future

hydrogen storage, green energy future austria

A pioneering Upper Austrian project that could prove decisive for the energy future of the entire European Union was recently presented. It centres on the practical application of storing and using hydrogen on a large industrial scale. The initiative marks a milestone for green energy supply and is being driven forward by a large number of partners, including Linz AG.

The background to this green project lies in the increasing generation of electricity from renewable energy sources such as wind and solar power. However, this electricity is often generated at the wrong time - in summer, when demand is low. The solution could lie in hydrogen as an ideal storage medium . Upper Austria is planning to fill underground natural gas storage facilities with hydrogen for the first time, which will be produced from surplus electricity in summer. In winter, this hydrogen will then be used to generate electricity in Linz AG's power plants, which are currently fuelled by natural gas.

Underground hydrogen storage

The aim of the project is to make underground hydrogen storage ready for the market and to develop a corresponding infrastructure. Upper Austria is acting as a pioneer here, and its experience should serve as an example for the whole of Europe. The project is scheduled to be completed by 2029, with the aim of integrating the domestic hydrogen system into a European infrastructure. Hydrogen storage offers an ideal, long-term solution for renewable energy sources. With PV, wind and water, more is produced in summer than is needed, while in winter there is a "dark doldrums". This seasonal storage with hydrogen therefore appears to be a promising approach for utilising the surplus sensibly.

In addition to Linz AG, educational institutions such as the University of Leoben, research institutes and other companies are also involved. The commitment of these stakeholders demonstrates the broad support and interest in the successful realisation of this pioneering project for Europe's energy future.

It's ingenious what can be achieved.


Source: red,
