With the first sentence of the foreword alone - we have manoeuvred ourselves into a difficult situation - the top Austrian mathematician Univ. Prof. em. Dr.Dr. hc. mult. Bruno Buchberger makes a statement that builds suspense and arouses curiosity.
In his book, published in 2023, the author gives his personal answers as to how we can get out of the situation, how we can meet the many challenges of our time and how we can reach a fascinating and happy stage for everyone.
His conviction that new scientific/technological insights alone will not be enough - the emphasis is on alone - to achieve a lifestyle that makes everyone happy is fascinating. He contrasts the scientific process of consciously observing - thinking - acting (the art of intellect) with not observing - not thinking and not acting (the art of "letting go", of meditating).
The book is aimed at the individual, the individual, the individual! The book does not see itself as a "good advice publication", but rather opens up and sharpens the view of two diametrically opposed worlds. Two worlds that harmoniously unite in a "conscious natural society", as Bruno Buchberger calls it.
You could also call it the fullness of life. 100% science and 100% meditation = 200% life! A new lifestyle that can emerge through a transformation process if it gradually develops in the consciousness of all, or most, or many, or enough.
From the pen of a mathematician, the creator of the Gröbner bases, a fundamental method of computer mathematics that is now used worldwide in all modern mathematical software systems, the statement wins - we are facing the most important and most difficult invention that goes far beyond a scientific / technical invention: the invention of a lifestyle for each individual and for (global) society.
For my part, I would like to endorse Bruno Buchberger's concluding statement: "It is time for all of us to develop a lifestyle that combines insights into nature through modern science with deep harmony with nature through regular meditation" with the words, it is certainly worth a try!