Oliver, Birgit and Katrin Freller are happy to help. They volunteer in the rescue service at the Bad Leonfelden local centre.
Photo: OÖRK
For a better mood in society.
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A family tradition of helping

When people need help, Birgit, Katrin and Oliver Freller are there to help. Their voluntary commitment to the OÖ. Red Cross is not only a personal choice, but also a living family tradition.

Their efforts, along with many other volunteers, make vital services possible that would not be possible without them. And on Mother's Day, a day that celebrates the importance of mothers and their tireless care, these dedicated family members are ready to help others.

Commitment to the Red Cross

For Birgit, Katrin and Oliver, helping others means a lot. Birgit, aged 52, and her daughter Katrin, aged 25, decided together in 2018 to complete the summer course for volunteer paramedics at the Bad Leonfelden service centre. "I wanted to gain practical experience for my upcoming medical studies," says Katrin. "I liked the idea and was immediately on board," adds Birgit, who works in the market town of Oberneukirchen. "It fulfils me to help others, and getting involved with the Upper Austrian Red Cross just makes sense. Red Cross just makes sense."

Son Oliver, 23, also joined his mother and sister in their commitment. In 2019, he also completed the summer course and subsequently completed numerous volunteer hours. After his civilian service with the OÖ. Red Cross, he began his studies in Vienna, but always finds time to dedicate to the Red Cross. "It's important to me to help others," emphasises Oliver. "You meet lots of different people and gain a lot of experience in the process."

An anchor of humanity

The OÖ. Red Cross offers a wide range of services to support people in a variety of life situations. Whether it's improving educational opportunities, promoting life skills among young people, combating loneliness and poverty or supporting people in their everyday lives - the Red Cross is always there to help. "We are there. Our 25,000 employees, most of whom are volunteers, take responsibility and make the Red Cross an anchor of humanity," says Dr Aichinger Walter, President of the Upper Austrian Red Cross. Red Cross.

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Source: PA Red Cross Upper Austria

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