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App simplifies search for medicines

App ApoScout

The new ApoScout app shows the availability of medicines in Austrian pharmacies and is designed to simplify the search for important medicines.

No matter which medicine authorised in Austria is needed - the ApoScout app makes it easier to find it. It not only shows which medicine is available at which location, but also provides information on opening hours and ranks the results according to proximity. Users can even be navigated to the selected location. If medicines are not in stock, the app provides information on whether preparations with the same active ingredient are available in the pharmacies.

Even if not all of the 1,400 pharmacies in Austria are currently connected to the app's availability search, it already shows all locations with telephone numbers and night-time, Sunday and public holiday availability.

Advantages for customers and pharmacies

Both customers and pharmacists benefit from the app's functions. Users would save themselves tedious phone calls, usually to several pharmacies, in order to obtain information about medication stocks, explained pharmacist Christian Wurstbauer at the presentation of the app in Vienna. They could also call the desired pharmacy directly from the app and have the medication put to one side.

Pharmacists also save the time they need to make phone calls and search for available medicines - in fact, on average, one employee spends an entire working day just doing this. This is because the availability information in the app is automatically fed from the inventory management system, explains Thomas Brosch, who developed the application with Kwizda Apo App GmbH. The app is free to use for both pharmacies and users.

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