Photos: Hermann Kollinger
Photo: Hermann Kollinger
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Austria, proud of the fire brigade youth world champions!

60 groups from 22 nations were represented at the international fire brigade youth competition in Borgo Valsugana, northern Italy. Three groups from Upper Austria were particularly successful in this competition: Bad Mühllacken, Guggenberg and Mitteregg-Haagen-Sand.

Foto: Hermann Kollinger
Foto: Hermann Kollinger

Guggenberg fire brigade youths achieve best time with no mistakes!

The Guggenberg group from the Vöcklabruck district took first place in the mixed classification with a faultless time of 36.34 seconds on the obstacle course and 61.95 seconds in the relay race. Second place went to a team from Poland and third place to a Czech representative. The girls' group from Mitteregg-Haagen-Sand took fourth place in the girls' competition and Bad Mühllacken came eighth in the mixed competition.

Proud of the performance

Robert Mayer, President of the Fire Brigade and Provincial Fire Brigade Commander of Upper Austria, praised the young people for their efforts and emphasised the strong team spirit.

#Superb when you realise that world champions don't fall from the sky. Discipline, perseverance and tireless commitment from the young people and their coaches are required to prevail against 21 nations. Congratulations for achievements that deserve more visibility. Thank you very much. It's brilliant what the fire brigade achieves.

Foto: Hermann Kollinger
Foto: Hermann Kollinger
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