Cari-Cup partner with trophy
Caritas employees, Caritas Upper Austria director Franz Kehrer, FC Blau-Weiß Linz club chairman Dr Johann Kalliauer, FC Blau-Weiß Linz CSR manager Tanja Wögerer and Bishop Manfred Scheuer | Photo: Caritas Upper Austria/FC Blau-Weiß Linz
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CariCup 2024: A strong signal for fair play, inclusion and respect

CariCup 2024, FairPlay, inclusion, respect, Caritas Upper Austria, FC Blau-Weiß Linz

Last Friday, thanks to our #schongenial partners Caritas Upper Austria and FC Blau-Weiß Linz, the Schiffswerftplatz was transformed into a lively stage for fair play, inclusion and respect. The 140 or so players taking part not only dedicated themselves to the game of football, but above all to peaceful and non-violent coexistence. Bishop Manfred Scheuer took the honorary kick-off.

BW Linz

At the CariCup, employees, volunteers and people cared for by Caritas Upper Austria competed together against violence and in favour of respectful coexistence, both on and off the pitch. People from different backgrounds, religions and cultures came together to celebrate the unifying potential of sport and send a strong signal for cohesion.

Bishop Manfred Scheuer emphasised at the honorary kick-off: "Fair play, cohesion and respect for others and the rules are central values that play a role not only on the football pitch, but in all of our lives. Where people come together who rarely come into contact with each other in everyday life, it not only strengthens team spirit, but also promotes mutual understanding and breaks down prejudices."

The game was played in teams of 6 against 6, with two categories: one group with experienced players and another with mixed teams that had less football experience. Short playing times and substitute players ensured that nobody was overtaxed.

Caritas Upper Austria Director Franz Kehrer explained: "The cooperation with FC Blau-Weiß Linz was an obvious choice. Young people who are doing vocational training with us have been allowed to play in the Blau-Weiß 'Special Needs' team since 2019."

FC Blau-Weiß Linz Managing Director Christoph Peschek also emphasised the importance of the event:

"FC Blau-Weiß Linz stands for diversity, respectful coexistence and against violence, sexism, racism and any form of discrimination. We are all the more pleased that we are able to organise the CariCup together with Caritas Upper Austria. Events like this show once again that football is for everyone and that nobody is marginalised. With this inclusive tournament, we are sending a strong signal for diversity and against violence."

In addition to the exciting football matches, there was a varied supporting programme for the 250 or so young and old fans and their families. Kinderfreunde offered various game stations, and a signed ball and a signed Blue & White jersey could be won in the bean guessing game. Professional players Oliver Wähling and Marcel Schantl were on hand to sign autographs.

"It was a day full of fun and entertainment that impressively demonstrated the power of sport as a means of preventing violence and as a bridge between different people," said Franz Kehrer.

The tournament helped to raise awareness within the organisation of the importance of violence prevention.

Die Profi-Spieler Oliver Wähling und Marcel Schantl
Die Profi-Spieler Oliver Wähling und Marcel Schantl
FC Blau-Weiß Linz Special Needs Team | Fotos: ©Caritas OÖ/FC Blau-Weiß Linz
FC Blau-Weiß Linz Special Needs Team | Fotos: ©Caritas OÖ/FC Blau-Weiß Linz
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