Cheering hockey team
Photo: SAF | Björn Brachmayer
For a better mood in society.
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Sport & Health

Hockey is a team effort in which every player contributes to the collective success!

Hockey, team performance, team sport, success, training for life

You could also say that team sport is excellent training for life. Because here, too, each individual contributes to the success of the community. But we are often not aware of this personal responsibility.

Foto: SAF | Björn Brachmayer

It's great that there are clubs like the Vipers Hockey Club, which has been pushing the skills of all age groups with full power since 2009. And always with an eye on performance, team spirit and lots of fun!

The values that the Vipers live by with full power are: Respect, unity, openness, recognition, role modelling and pure dedication to hockey. These values connect the members beyond the sport. Friendships are forged and joint activities are organised outside of training sessions and matches.

It's #schongenial when what we have in common comes before what divides us and what really matters in life is practised through play. Attention, recognition, respect and appreciation, the basis for relationship skills and partnership. already brilliant!

Foto: SAF | Björn Brachmayer
Foto: SAF | Björn Brachmayer
Fotos: SAF | Björn Brachmayer
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