Jasmin Steiner
Photo: © ORF ON konkret from 03.09.2024
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Jasmin's dream came true thanks to BBRZ

Hemiparesis, BBRZ, Vocational rehabilitation, Support

Jasmin from Leoben was born with hemiparesis, a neurological disorder caused by damage to the brain. It leads to paralysis of one side of the body, which significantly impairs movement and strength on that side.

Affected people often have difficulties with everyday tasks, as both their fine motor skills and coordination are limited. Despite these challenging circumstances, Jasmin wanted to work in the catering industry from an early age.

However, getting there was not easy.

Thanks to the support of the "pretty best team" - in particular the Vocational Training and Rehabilitation Centre (BBRZ) - she was able to realise her dreams. The BBRZ offered her targeted support to overcome the challenges associated with her hemiparesis. Through individual support and specific vocational rehabilitation programmes, Jasmin was able to develop the skills she needed to work successfully in the hospitality industry.

Today, she works in her dream job and shows how, with determination and the right support, even major obstacles can be overcome. The ORF feature in the magazine "Konkret" documents her inspiring career and emphasises the key role that a dedicated support network has played on her journey.

It's nice to see so many positive things: