Emergency ambulance
Photo: Waukesha / Pixabay
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Life often hangs by a thread

appreciation, making positive things visible, already ingenious

Since 1 February 1974, when Austria's first emergency ambulance was called out in Linz, the emergency doctor service in Upper Austria has developed into an indispensable part of emergency medical care. What began 50 years ago as a pioneering concept is now not only a matter of course, but also highly regarded internationally.

50 years of rapid assistance in emergencies

The first emergency ambulance was called when a worker was injured on a building site near the Südbahnhofmarkt. On board the Mercedes Benz Type 408 were a doctor from Linz General Hospital (now Kepler University Hospital) and two emergency paramedics from the Upper Austrian Red Cross. Red Cross. Since this historic event, emergency medical services in Upper Austria have been continuously expanded. Today there are 17 ground-based emergency doctor bases of the Upper Austrian Red Cross. Red Cross, which ensure that the population receives help quickly and efficiently in acute emergencies. With around 24,500 call-outs per year, the emergency doctor vehicles of the Upper Austrian Red Cross are deployed around three times a year. Red Cross emergency vehicles are deployed around three times an hour to help people in emergencies.

From a car to a lifesaving institution!

Patients are treated by specially trained emergency doctors and paramedics. These teams are on duty every day to help people in a wide variety of emergency situations, be it acute illnesses, road accidents, accidents at work or other everyday emergencies. A special feature of the emergency medical service in Upper Austria is the so-called emergency ambulance (NEF), which brings the emergency doctor to the scene where he meets up with the emergency services who have been alerted. The patients are stabilised on site and then taken to hospital as quickly as possible. This means that the emergency doctor can quickly travel on to the next location.

Rapid assistance in emergencies

In addition to the rapid care of patients, the emergency medical service in Upper Austria also relies on innovations in emergency medicine. One example of this is "eCPR" (extracorporeal cardiopulmonary resuscitation), an innovative treatment method for patients in cardiac arrest that can significantly improve survival without brain damage.

#schongenial - We make positive things visible, already ingenious!


Source: PA Red Cross Upper Austria

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