For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

#schongenial - the first "Intercorporate Social Responsibility" project

Intercorporate social responsibility is a "strategy pursued jointly by companies in order to strengthen the impact of their own measures for improving environmental, social and governance (ESG) issues for both society and their own company". (A. Fiedler)

#schongenial is when courageous people, committed institutions and successful companies work together to make positive things visible and thus contribute to the success of our society.

You can see positive things, can't you?
We see a lot, but do we consciously recognise it?

#schongenial makes positive things not only visible, but also conscious! And this awareness is the prerequisite for genuine appreciation.

Conscious appreciation is the key to a positive mood; it creates motivation, creativity and the ability to build relationships. (Prof. em. Dr Reinhard Haller) Qualities that we need more urgently than ever today.

#schongenial bundles positive energy to stimulate a responsible climate of consumption, investment and innovation.

#schongenial has set itself the task of raising motivation and relationship skills in order to shape the future proactively and with commitment.

Many companies and institutions are already supporting#schongenial. Whether large or small. They all have one thing in common: they all prioritise what they have in common over what divides them. For many companies, this is already expressed in their slogans.

This is #schongenial - the first independent "Intercorporate Social Responsibility" programme for the benefit of all.

In order to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations, #schongenial is of eminent importance, because the challenges of our time can only be met together. The strategic foundation for this is conscious appreciation, which inspires people's creativity, motivation and ability to build relationships!

#schongenial makes positive things visible, #schongenial makes positive things conscious.
