Campaign visual "Use the map, protect the moors"
Photo: © Mastercard
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Economy & Infrastructure

Sustainability campaign for our moorland landscapes

A new cooperation between Mastercard and Unimarkt is committed to protecting endangered moorland in Upper Austria. The sustainability campaign "Use the card, protect the moors" provides information about the vital role of moors as habitats, CO2 reservoirs and protection against natural disasters.

The campaign runs from April to May and offers consumers the opportunity to take action. For every transaction with a Debit Mastercard in Unimarkt shops, a financial contribution is made. For each of these transactions, Mastercard and Unimarkt donate to BIOSA - Biosphäre Austria to support the renaturalisation of two Austrian moors.

Why is this campaign so important?

Peatlands play a crucial role in climate protection. Not only do they store large amounts of CO2, they also buffer extreme weather events such as heavy rainfall and thus secure the drinking water supply. Despite their importance, they are highly endangered, with only 10% of Austria's original moorland still intact.

The collaboration between Mastercard and Unimarkt and BIOSA aims to help these valuable ecosystems. BIOSA, a non-profit organisation with a focus on dynamic climate protection, will implement the renaturation projects in cooperation with the landowners.

Use the card, protect the moors

This initiative reflects Mastercard's vision, where every swipe, click or tap is an opportunity to help preserve our planet and combat climate change. The partnership with BIOSA not only emphasises environmental protection, but also long-term and sustainable economic growth.Unimarkt, as a regional local supplier, emphasises the importance of commitment to Austria's natural resources. The partnership with Mastercard and BIOSA gives customers the opportunity to actively contribute to the protection of natural habitats.

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