#schongenial: You read every day that the economy is weakening and Austria is in recession. So let me start with a question: What is the situation in your market, refrigeration technology? How are you and your company doing?
Philipp Baumgartner: We are very lucky here, because we are in one of the growth sectors of our time. Climate change and the associated need for decarbonisation are driving the heat pump business more than ever and the increasingly strict regulations regarding synthetic refrigerants are giving our sustainable solutions with natural refrigerants wings. We are therefore very satisfied and, despite the general economic downturn, very optimistic about the future.
#schongenial: I'm sure you'll agree with me - the topic of sustainability doesn't generate a storm of enthusiasm among many people. Many associate it with a loss of prosperity, a decline in living standards or excessive regulation. What do you say to such critics?
Philipp Baumgartner: I have to say the exact opposite is the case with us. As I explained earlier, we are having one record year after another because our solutions with natural refrigerant such as the smartPACK-L7 and, above all, our highly efficient heat pump solutions such as the Upgrader95 are enjoying a sharp rise in demand.
But these are just two examples of how we can exploit the numerous opportunities presented by the sustainability/decarbonisation megatrend. I think such changes always open numerous doors if you go through (business) life with your eyes open.
#schongenial: How could you make it clear to managers that sustainable strategies not only entail restrictions, but also strengthen the resilience of companies and ensure long-term stability?
Philipp Baumgartner : In my opinion, the best way to do this is with flagship projects and companies that can serve very well as examples. I'm not just thinking of our industry, refrigeration technology; Austrian companies are also world leaders in the field of pellets/wood chip boilers, for example, or the numerous electrical and installation companies that are posting record results thanks to photovoltaic and solar installations.
#schongenial: What measures do you take as a company - in addition to personal discussions and presentations - to raise awareness of the benefits of investing in sustainability?
Philipp Baumgartner : We are already one step further here. Everyone in our company is aware that the successes we have been celebrating for years are primarily due to the global need for decarbonisation. We are therefore very happy and proud to be part of the solution to this omnipresent challenge with our products.
#schongenial: What is your vision for the future of refrigeration technology and what impact could technological advances have?
Philipp Baumgartner: We clearly see our future in both refrigeration and heat pump solutions in natural refrigerants such as ammonia,CO2 or hydrocarbons. These not only impress with their sustainability (no GWP, no PFAS), but also with their high energy efficiency and thus not only enable our customers to make progress in terms of sustainability, but also bring them significant cost and thus competitive advantages.