With the opening of a day hospice in Linz, Harrachstr. 15 in the summer of this year, the range of services has been expanded to better meet the needs of patients.
A unique care concept in the day hospice
This innovative facility offers seriously ill people and their relatives a unique opportunity for support and care. Under the management of Cornelia Baumann, MBA, a pioneering concept is implemented here that not only offers those affected medical and nursing support, but also provides a warm and loving daily routine.
Cornelia Baumann and her team are working hard to establish the day hospice as a valuable resource for people in difficult life situations. The aim is to show the wider public how important and supportive this form of hospice care can be. The Sankt Barbara day hospice is aimed at people who do not require permanent inpatient care but still need regular support and care. Here they can find empathetic support that enables them to maintain their quality of life despite a serious illness.
Strong together for hospice care
Sankt Barbara Hospiz GmbH is a joint project of several supporting organisations, including the Barmherzige Brüder Linz, the Elisabethinen Linz-Wien, the Franziskanerinnen Vöcklabruck, the Kreuzschwestern Europa Mitte, the OÖ Gesundheitsholding, the Rote Kreuz OÖ and the Vinzenz Group. Each of these organisations contributes its specific strengths, resulting in combined expertise in care, medicine, therapy and volunteer work.
A central concern of the hospice is the involvement of volunteers. Their commitment is an essential part of the quality of care. They complement the multi-professional team by providing attention, listening and time, which benefits the residents and their relatives in this sensitive phase of life.
Partners and sponsors make this offer possible!
The work of the Sankt Barbara Hospice would not be possible without the generous support of partners and sponsors. Special mention should be made of Sparkasse Oberösterreich, a long-standing sponsor that makes a decisive contribution to the financial security of the Sankt Barbara Hospice. Thanks to its support, it has been possible, among other things, to equip the new locations and make innovative services such as the planned day hospice in Linz possible.