Youth group photo
Photo: START Scholarships Austria Association
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Science & Education

The Start Scholarship Association - How civil society works!

Start-Stipendium association, pupils with a migration background

What we know from science: Observe, think, act. This also applies in a special way to the non-profit organisation "Start-Stipendium".

Recognising that talented pupils with a migrant background find it more difficult to make it through their educational career, courageous people decided without further ado to set up an association based on the idea of an open and socially permeable society with equal opportunities, in which interculturality is also seen as an enrichment.

The results are impressive.

Since the organisation was founded in 2007, more than 650 committed students and apprentices have already been accompanied, encouraged and financially supported. The graduates have roots in more than 70 nations and have formed their own alumni association, which is also involved in supporting talented young people. You can find more detailed information at

There are currently 137 active Start scholarship holders in the federal states of Vienna, Lower Austria, Upper Austria, Salzburg and Vorarlberg. It is not only the volunteer commitment that is particularly noteworthy, but also the fact that this project - living and experiencing diversity - is supported in cooperation with partners from the business world, service clubs and private individuals. By the way, donations are recognised for tax purposes!

Start-Stipendium offers more than just financial support. It supports young people with seminars and workshops and assists them with all educational issues. "Start-Stipendium" is a good example of a functioning civil society. Thank you very much!

Become a sponsor or donate now!

#schongenial - when deficits are recognised, thought is given to how they can be remedied and a determined effort is made to build bridges for the benefit of all. We think that's brilliant.
