Michael Öttl & Jürgen Hahm
f.l.t.r. Michael Öttl & Jürgen Hahm from vesecon.com | Photo: Vesecon
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Vesecon - or what you need to know about appreciation and gossip ducks

Appreciation, vesecon, Interview, Jürgen Hahm, Michael Öttl

#schongenial in conversation with the owners and managing directors of Vesecon, Jürgen Hahm and Michael Öttl, about their approach to the topic of "appreciation", successfully dealing with employees and the Quatschenten.

#schongenial: Mr Hahm, how do you personally define the term "appreciation"?

Jürgen Hahm: For me, it means recognising and respecting people in their uniqueness, regardless of their achievements. It's about appreciating people simply because they are there. In practice, this means remaining respectful even when expectations are unfulfilled. If this attitude is lived authentically, even difficult situations can be handled better, as factual and personal issues can be clearly separated.

#schongenial: Do you think there is currently a lack of appreciation in our society?

Jürgen Hahm: Recognition and respect depend heavily on the values that are taught in the family and social environment. Unfortunately, the importance of these principles has diminished over the last 30 years. Nevertheless, it is increasingly recognised that they are crucial for successful relationships, both privately and professionally. Where these principles are practised, there is a sense of positive interaction and a good atmosphere.

#schongenial: Your company is currently being publicised with the "Quatschenten" campaign. What's behind it?

Michael Öttl: Our "Quatschenten" campaign was developed in collaboration with our employees and is aimed at a broad target group in the central Upper Austrian region who are open to change, even if they are not actively looking for a job. The humorous title "Quatschenten" is primarily intended to arouse curiosity.

#schongenial: What makes Vesecon special as an employer and how do you differ from others?

Michael Öttl: Vesecon sets itself apart by treating its employees with respect. We support our people in their individual strengths and weaknesses and attach great importance to loyalty and mutual respect. Compared to other companies, we work on a familiar yet professional basis. Each individual is seen as a valuable team member, which makes our corporate culture special.

#schongenial: What is particularly important to you when dealing with your employees?

Jürgen Hahm: Shared values and a common understanding are particularly important to us. We make sure that our employees share a positive attitude and actively contribute to the success of the company's day-to-day operations. Skills can be learnt, but the right attitude must be lived. Openness, reflection and constructive feedback are key elements of our collaboration.

#schongenial: In your campaign video(Vesecon Recruiting - Wir suchen Dich: Telemarketing), you can see that many of your employees have been with Vesecon for a very long time. Is there a secret to this success?

Michael Öttl: A key factor is that our employees have chosen to work for us voluntarily and continue to do so. We don't expect top performance at any price, but rely on a satisfied team that is fairly remunerated. Overtime and pressure are not necessary for us because we believe in the right attitude and a supportive environment.

#schongenial: In this video, you also explicitly mention that "professional and familiar" doesn't have to be a contradiction in terms. How do you live this supposed contradiction in your company?

Jürgen Hahm: On the contrary, we are convinced that professionalism and a family culture go very well together in our day-to-day work. It's about defining clear rules and adhering to them on both sides. Trust and respectful communication are crucial here. An open error culture, in which responsibility is taken and mistakes are learnt from without apportioning blame, is a central component of our approach. Ultimately, it's about valuing and supporting people in their individuality.

#schongenial: Thank you very much for the open conversation, Mr Hahm and Mr Öttl!

It's nice to see so many positive things: