Photo: Verein Rollende Engel
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

Where dreams learn to fly

rolling angels, fulfil last wishes, fulfil wishes of terminally ill people, wish fulfiller

The "Rolling Angels" association has set itself the task of fulfilling the last wishes of seriously ill people in Austria. A team of professional organisers work on a voluntary basis to fulfil a wide variety of wishes - be it a visit to a football match, petting an elephant in the zoo, a concert with a personal encounter with their favourite musician or even a helicopter flight.

The special focus of the association is to support people in a difficult health situation and their relatives in the fulfilment of their wishes. The "Rolling Angels" service is free of charge for those affected.

The areas in which the organisation operates are diverse:

  • When wishes can no longer be fulfilled for health reasons.
  • When relatives no longer have the confidence to fulfil the wish alone.
  • When support is required because the patient is bedridden.
  • If medical or nursing care is required.
  • When wishes need to be fulfilled that cannot be realised by the patient alone.

A special kind of voluntary work

Trained volunteers are available for transport, acting as "rolling angels". In addition, paramedics and emergency paramedics, qualified nursing staff and doctors offer their support on a voluntary basis to ensure a safe and pleasant journey. The vehicles, affectionately known as "rolling angels", have been specially tailored to the needs of bedridden people.

Requests can be made easily via an online form, which will be checked within two working days. If the wish can be fulfilled, the team starts planning. On the day of fulfilment, the "Rolling Angel" picks the person up and accompanies them safely through the day.

A project of the heart

The organisation is financed exclusively by donations and sponsorships. Supporters can make donations online or apply for sponsorship. The volunteer board members, coordinators and wish fulfilers are committed to implementing this important project in their free time. The "Rolling Angels" are a symbol of hope and support for people in difficult health situations.

The variety of voluntary initiatives in our country is simply brilliant. It's great that industrial companies like Sprecher Automation are committed to social causes. Thank you very much!
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