Opening of the border by LH Ratzenböck
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For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

25 years of DenkStein Iron Curtain

Iron Curtain, DenkForum, 25 years, 35 years

On the occasion of the fall of the Iron Curtain 35 years ago

  • on Wednesday, 11 December 2024 at 5:00 pm
  • at Haus am Ring, Ringstraße 77, 4190 Bad Leonfelden

the 1st DenkForum will take place.


  • 17:00 Arrival and introduction
    • Exhibition "Symmetry of Borders": What breaks through our borders? What reflects our boundaries? Artistic works by students of the Art University Linz, Department of Artistic Practice and Experimental Design will be presented.
  • 17:30 Opening Dr Bernhard Winkler
    • Book presentation: "From the Iron Curtain to European Unity" - contemporary witnesses and their stories (Dr Albert Ettmayer)
    • "GLASKÄFIG" - COFIE: Premiere of the winning project of the competition organised by the "DenkStein Eiserner Vorhang" association at the Anton Bruckner Private University. COFIE is a newly formed ensemble consisting of Cornelia Vorreiter, Sophie Leibetseder and Flora Schrattenholzer.
  • Award ceremony
  • Keynote speech by Monsignor DDr Michael Landau, President of European Caritas "Fear not! A plea for hope and for a climate of confidence in times of fear." followed by a panel discussion
  • 19:00 Culinary journey through Europe

Please register by 22 November 2024:

#schongenial that there are initiatives that remember, build bridges and provide impetus for a successful Europe. schon genial

It's nice to see so many positive things: