Young couple in front of fruit and vegetable shelf
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Donate instead of dispose: Maximarkt lives social responsibility

Maximarkt, food donations, social market, food for the needy

Maximarkt shows that responsibility and social commitment can go hand in hand in the business world. Instead of disposing of food and products that can no longer be sold for various reasons, Maximarkt donates these goods to various aid organisations in Austria. This not only counteracts food waste, but also helps people in need. The beneficiary organisations include the SOMA Sozialmarkt in Upper Austria, the Rollende Herzen association in Hallein, the Rieder Sozial Verein, the social market "Der Korb" in Vöcklabruck and the "LAUBE" in Zell am See. Each of these organisations makes an important contribution to society by supporting people in need.

SOMA social market: affordable food for people in need

The SOMA social market offers people on low incomes the opportunity to buy food and everyday goods at greatly reduced prices. These markets are located in several Austrian cities and are aimed specifically at those people who are unable to purchase everyday goods at regular prices. Thanks to Maximarkt's donations, SOMA customers have access to high-quality products that would otherwise often not be available to them.

Rolling hearts association: support for families in Hallein

The Rolling Hearts Association in Hallein has set itself the task of supporting families in difficult circumstances. The organisation distributes food and other essential goods to people who cannot afford to provide for themselves.

Rieder Sozial Verein: Help in the Ried region

The Rieder Sozial Verein is committed to helping socially disadvantaged people in the Ried region. The organisation not only offers material support in the form of food and clothing, but also social counselling and support. With the donations from Maximarkt, the organisation can regularly distribute important basic foodstuffs to people in need and thus help to improve the quality of life of those affected.

"Der Korb" social supermarket: solidarity in Vöcklabruck

In Vöcklabruck, the social supermarket "Der Korb" offers food at affordable prices for people living on the breadline. Thanks to the cooperation with Maximarkt, the social market can offer a wide range of products and thus help to ensure that no one goes hungry, even in difficult times. The market sees itself as an important part of the regional social infrastructure.

LAUBE in Zell am See: support for people in need

LAUBE in Zell am See is a social organisation that accompanies and supports people in emergency situations. In addition to food, it also offers counselling and assistance for those who find themselves in a difficult life situation.


Maximarkt Managing Director Thomas Schrenk emphasises that it is not only important to his company, but also to him personally, to contribute to improving the quality of life in the region.

"It is important to us that we are not only economically successful, but also assume social responsibility. By donating surplus products, we can provide concrete help and make a contribution to sustainability at the same time."

This philosophy is reflected in the close cooperation with the organisations mentioned and shows how companies can play a decisive role in supporting society.

We think this appreciative and sensible approach to food is brilliant.

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