Photo credit: Dagmar Karner, BBRZ Wr. Neustadt
Photo credit: Dagmar Karner, BBRZ Wr. Neustadt
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Sport & Health

New paths, new opportunities.

With a mentoring pilot project, the BBRZ is breaking new ground when it comes to opening up prospects in the economy for vocational rehabilitation graduates.

In 2023, a regional mentoring pilot project was launched in the Wr. Neustadt and Neunkirchen areas with the aim of tapping into the potential of vocational rehabilitation graduates together with the business community. The positive experiences of both the mentors from the business world and the mentees, the future specialists, led to the programme being extended to St. Pölten in 2024.

What the mentees particularly appreciate about this programme, in addition to the transfer of experience and practical tips, is meeting the company representatives at eye level. It is a way of communicating that helps to strengthen and motivate the mentees and has also led to the placement of internships.
The business community sees this approach as a good opportunity for companies to find the skilled workers of the future.

For Dagmar Karner, Head of the BBRZ office in Lower Austria, the added value of the programme lies in the ideal match between the BBRZ customers and the companies on the one hand and the exchange with professionally successful people on the other. This gives the mentees confidence and a perspective.

There are plans to roll out the mentoring pilot project, which is being carried out together with the regional organisations of the WKO and AMS, throughout Austria.
The experiences and impressions gained from the pilot will be evaluated and incorporated into the planned roll-out.

#schongenial - when the economy is involved in the development of future skilled workers in this way. As the saying goes: mentors learn a lot too. That should not be underestimated. Already brilliant!

It's nice to see so many positive things: