From left to right: Host Georg Adam Starhemberg, Prim. Dr Paul Kaufmann and Dr Alfred Fiedler, initiator of #schongenial
From left to right: Host Georg Adam Starhemberg, Prim. Dr Paul Kaufmann and Dr Alfred Fiedler, initiator of #schongenial
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

One year of #schongenial - a fervent commitment to living appreciation

The first anniversary of #schongenial - the initiative for more appreciation in our society - was celebrated in a particularly dignified setting at the invitation of Georg Adam Starhemberg.

Georg Adam Starhemberg bei seinem Eingangsstatement
Georg Adam Starhemberg bei seinem Eingangsstatement

Around eighty personalities - partners and supporters of #schongenial from the very beginning - met in glorious weather at Schloss Starhemberg in Eferding.

In his welcoming address, the host emphasised how important it is to put what we have in common before what divides us, and that we ultimately owe our prosperity and high quality of life to social partnership cooperation in the past, and that we must never forget what a great environment and well-functioning infrastructure we are privileged to live in.

Once again, Dr Alfred Fiedler, initiator of #schongenial, emphasised in his statement that genuine appreciation is the key to a successful society because, according to Prof. em. Dr Reinhard Haller, it inspires creativity, motivation and the ability to build relationships, qualities that we urgently need to tackle the tasks that lie ahead of us.

Prim. Dr Paul Kaufmann, Medical Director of the pro mente Rehabilitation Centre for Psychosocial Health Sonnenpark Neusiedlersee, drew a line from mindfulness to appreciation in his keynote speech, but also noted that it is perfectly "legitimate" not to appreciate everything. But one thing is certain: mindfulness as a prerequisite for genuine appreciation is a cultural technique and mindfulness can be trained.

Sabine Gebetsroither,a systemic coach from Coaching & Veränderungsbegleitung für Menschen und Unternehmen - Entwicklung begleiten, presented how mindfulness works in practice in a particularly charming, competent and engaging way. An interaction exercise that provided the ideal bridge for inspiring discussions for the guests following the official part of the event.

The #schongenial partners agreed on one thing: it is inspiring to be part of the first "Intercorporate Social Responsibility" initiative that puts the common in society before the divisive, makes the positive in our lives visible and conscious and is committed to more genuine appreciation in everyday life. That is #schongenial.

You can find more impressions of this evening at:

Ausführungen zum Thema "Achtsamkeit" durch Dr. Paul Kaufmann
Ausführungen zum Thema "Achtsamkeit" durch Dr. Paul Kaufmann
Mag.a Sabine Gebetsroither bei ihrer launigen Praxisübung
Mag.a Sabine Gebetsroither bei ihrer launigen Praxisübung