There are currently 115 school paramedics at 8 project schools in Vienna, with around 40 new pupils joining every year.
Responsibility and social commitment
The school paramedic service is aimed at pupils aged 14 and over and trains them in first aid. The aim is to promote responsibility and social commitment and improve the atmosphere at schools. In the past school year, 49 new school paramedics were trained, who play an important role in everyday school life with around 50 deployments per year.
"We want to encourage more schools to become part of the school paramedic service. This service not only promotes first aid skills, but also teamwork and communication," explains Dr Susanne Drapalik, President of the Vienna Samaritans.
The basic training programme comprises 27 hours, including a first aid course and practical modules. Further training on topics such as sports injuries and mental illness complement the programme. The aim is to establish the project at more schools and to attract more young people to this task.
Further information: Samariterbund Wien, contact: ssd@samariterwien.at, Tel. 01 89 145 411
#schongenial, when children and young people receive additional qualifications that will accompany them throughout their lives.