What drives 1.4 million people to work for the success of society? The first service club organisation founded by Paul Harris and friends in Chicago in 1905 is now organised in over 46,000 clubs and is represented worldwide.
Today, as then, the mission statement is: Service Above Self.
The proactive search by individual members for tasks where they can improve people's lives with personal commitment and financial support is a key component of this. Voluntarily, without coercion or legal regulations, making the world a little better. Where support is needed. The principle is that help knows no boundaries! Our support commitment ranges from regional and national to international projects.
EcoHimal and Rotary - when help is urgently needed
One example of Rotary's successful cooperation is the collaboration with EcoHimal, a non-profit organisation based in Salzburg, which has been working with local grassroots groups in the Hindu Kush-Himalayan region since 1992 to promote the implementation of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in a participatory manner in accordance with the principles of international development cooperation.
Duguna Ghadi - building infrastructure after the 2015 earthquake disaster!
The EcoHimal projects are financed by foundations, state institutions, the European Union, business partners, sponsors, private donors and, for some time now, also by Rotary. The Rotary Clubs Linz-Leonding and Mondseeland from Austria, Zürich Knonaueramt from Switzerland and the Rotary Foundation are working together with the Rotary Club Durbarmarg, Kathmandu, to rebuild an entire village - Duguna Ghadi - after the catastrophic earthquake and supply it with biogas plants.
This is "The magic of Rotary" - putting the common before the divisive, working together internationally, helping where it is needed. Strengthening friendships.
#schongenial - when people volunteer. we make positive things visible - we make people aware of positive things! already brilliant!
Help for Duguna Ghadi after the catastrophic series of earthquakes in 2015