This is how this slogan can, may and must be understood. This slogan is more than just lip service, it is the expression of an attitude that is also developed in ÖBB's construction management. Many things remain hidden from the observer, but many things become visible and tangible, not only for ÖBB customers but for everyone who passes a station or a stop.
There are many aspects that need to be taken into account in so-called "functional buildings". They are the backbone of mobility. First and foremost, safety for passengers and employees should probably be mentioned, but other aspects such as functionality in the maintenance and use of facilities, aesthetics in design and the choice of the most suitable building materials to meet sustainability requirements should not be underestimated.
A revival of wood in railway station architecture
ÖBB is seizing the moment. Many buildings that were constructed in the 20th century now need to be adapted to today's technical standards and in terms of accessibility. A good opportunity to think about how wood as a building material can experience a revival in railway station architecture.
Ecological considerations, the need to fulfil sustainability requirements and economic considerations play a key role here, but what must not be neglected is the atmosphere, the feeling of well-being and security created by the use of "warm" materials. A sensual requirement for rooms in which one waits, but also arrives. Today, for tomorrow, for us. Yes, it's about us humans and we need to feel welcome and comfortable.
The railway station in Eichgraben-Altlengbach - a rolling model
The ageing railway station was remodelled based on a design by mohr niklas architekten. After completion in 2017, prototypes were developed on the basis of a pilot study and building physics support from Holzforschung Austria. This resulted in various wooden platform roofs in Ternitz, Strebersdorf, Retz and Neulengbach with different design approaches. Standardised specifications were derived from the experience gained, which were incorporated into the regulations for use throughout Austria.
Green furniture increases passenger satisfaction
Wherever the steel benches, which were cold in winter and hot in summer, have been replaced by wooden benches, passenger satisfaction has also increased. The feeling is simply more pleasant and people notice that. The wooden benches are now firmly anchored in framework agreements. You can feel the attention to detail. Today, for tomorrow, for us.
#schongenial when you look behind the scenes!
Click here for the interview Cutting 92: Infrastructure buildings - proHolz Austria with senior employees Thomas Huef, Head of Technical Management at ÖBB Immobilienmanagement GmbH for the areas of architecture, structural engineering and building services and Catharina Wolffhardt, Head of the Architecture, Structural Engineering and LCM Department in Technical Management, ÖBB Immobilienmanagement GmbH, who is also responsible for drawing up the regulations for all ÖBB Infrastruktur AG buildings.