Man in front of laptop during video call
Albin Lintner, one of many volunteer mentors at Hands On Mentoring. Photo: Archdiocese of Vienna, Stephan Schönlaub
For a better mood in society.
Logo: Schon Genial

Around 70 mentors are involved on a voluntary basis!

Changemaker, mentors, mentoring, volunteering, commitment

Hands On - an organisation that has set itself the goal of supporting young people between the ages of 14 and 26 on their path to employment - is supported by Catholic Action and the Catholic Workers' Movement and does not receive any funding.

Florian wurde von Janine bei der Suche nach einer Lehrstelle unterstützt und hat eine Lehre als Installateur begonnen. Foto: Christopher Erben
Florian wurde von Janine bei der Suche nach einer Lehrstelle unterstützt und hat eine Lehre als Installateur begonnen. Foto: Christopher Erben

The founding idea for Hands On was born in 2016 by committed people from business and the church in Vienna in order to support the young people to be mentored on an equal footing, respectfully and appreciatively. The different experiences and skills of the mentors can be seen as a particular strength, as they allow for a suitable support programme for the young people.

You too can become a changemaker:

If you are well networked in professional life, enjoy working with young people, patience and empathy are among your strengths, then you too can become a changemaker for young people.

With a time commitment of one hour a week, you will make a meaningful and valuable contribution to a successful society and expand your personal knowledge and wealth of experience through professional onboarding, workshops, intervision and supervision.

Find out more: Hands On
