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Bread Day - a day with symbolic power

Day of Bread, International World Food Day, Poverty in Austria

Every year on 16 October, both the International Day of Bread and the International World Food Day are celebrated.

Bread is also understood to be synonymous with food, housing, employment and sustenance. In this light, the organisations migrare and the Upper Austria Poverty Network organised an inspiring event yesterday in the truest sense of the word.

Bread and roses - an event with reverberations

The very title of the event, "Bread and Roses", was an invitation to reflect. A clear signal that the poverty problem, which also exists in Austria, is about more than just financial benefits. An unusual event format, in an unusual location, geared towards encounters and exchanges between business and social organisations.

From the very beginning, the participants were invited, encouraged and inspired to exchange ideas and network. The aim of the event was to build bridges and develop concrete ideas on how to support each other. But also to draw strength from the many positive and touching examples of how poverty reduction can succeed.

This event was made possible by the majority shareholder "Anteilsverwaltung" of Sparkasse Oberösterreich. In her opening statement , Sarah Deckenbacher from Sparkasse Oberösterreich emphasised the special social responsibility of the Sparkasse:

"Our founding history obliges us to invest a portion of our profits ... in the common good." He continues: "According to our founding mission, there should be less poverty in every district where there is a Sparkasse. Poverty prevention is therefore in our roots - that is unique for a bank!"

After a reading by Martin Schenk, social expert and Deputy Director of Diakonie Austria, the topic of poverty in Austria was discussed from the perspective of social organisations in a first round of discussions. The focus was on the challenges and limitations of social work. The panellists included Michaela Haunold (Caritas Upper Austria) and Mümtaz Karakurt (migrare).

In a second round of talks, the topic was explored in greater depth from the perspective of business and the "bridge builders", highlighting the opportunities and prerequisites for successful cooperation. Gerti Schatzdorfer, Georg Starhemberg and Alfred Fiedler from #schongenial took part in the discussion.


All participants agreed that the issue of poverty in Austria can only be successfully tackled if we prioritise what we have in common over what divides us and strengthen trust in and relationships with one another. #schongenial.

It's nice to see so many positive things: