Mödlinger Hütte, Gesäuse-Eisenwurzen
Photo: Tim Nöhrer / Unsplash
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Nature & Tourism

Gesäuse, a successful symbiosis of nature conservation and tourism

The Gesäuse tourism region combines the natural beauty of Styria's only national park with the rich cultural heritage of Admont Abbey and the living folk culture.

A powerful example of sustainable recreation

Overnight stays have risen by an average of 39 per cent since the tourism region was founded almost three years ago, a sign of the growing popularity and attractiveness of the Gesäuse as a destination for those seeking relaxation and adventure alike.

The Gesäuse tourism region comprises nine municipalities, in which a total of 115,343 guests stayed overnight in the calendar year 2023, with 41 per cent travelling from abroad. The increases in Liezen and Rottenmann were particularly notable, tripling and doubling respectively. The municipalities of Lassing and Gaishorn also recorded impressive increases of 71 per cent and 68 per cent respectively since the new tourism association was founded. Admont, Wildalpen and other municipalities reported increases of between 25 and 46 per cent since 2021.

The up-and-coming Gesäuse

These successes are the result of efforts to promote sustainable tourism, emphasised Managing Director Jaqueline Egger. The Gesäuse has proven to be a resilient and attractive destination that respects both nature and the needs of visitors. Looking to the future, the goal remains to further develop the quality of tourism and to preserve the unique treasures of the Gesäuse for future generations.

In a world in which the search for authenticity and nature experiences is becoming increasingly important, the Gesäuse shines as a place that offers strength and relaxation in the midst of unspoilt nature. It is not only a jewel of Styria, but a living example of how tourism and nature conservation can go hand in hand to create a sustainable future for all.

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Source: steiermark.com / red, steiermark.ORF.at
