Alexander Rosenauer
Alexander Rosenauer | Photo: Oberösterreichische Versicherung
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Living inclusion

Inclusion, Oberösterreichische Versicherung, Alexander Rosenauer

Alexander Rosenauer, who has been working as a lawyer in the claims, contract and HR departments at Oberösterreichische since 15 April 2024, describes his day-to-day work and the experiences he has had in his first few months.

#schongenial: How did you hear about Oberösterreichische?

Alexander Rosenauer: I have known the company for a very long time and found out through a job advert on that Oberösterreichische was looking for an employee in the claims department. I then made an unsolicited application as a lawyer and was initially included in an interview for a position as a claims officer. This did not materialise as there was a competitor with experience in claims processing. However, at the same time as the rejection, I was assured that I would fit in very well with the team at Oberösterreichische and shortly after my application was taken into consideration, I received an offer for a position as a lawyer, which I was delighted to accept.

#schongenial: What do you like about the work?

Alexander Rosenauer: Insurance law is an extremely exciting, complex and highly practical subject. My tasks are very varied and I get to work in a wonderful team with great colleagues. There is a great sense of team spirit, my colleagues are happy to support me with their experience and I can familiarise myself with the new subject matter on an ongoing basis.

#schongenial: What do you like about Oberösterreichische as an employer?

Alexander Rosenauer: I particularly appreciate the extremely polite and respectful tone that prevails here. In addition, Oberösterreichische takes personal situations and individual strengths into account as much as possible. One of my great strengths is my very precise and structured way of working. Because of this, I have already been entrusted with projects where I can utilise precisely this strength. To make it easier for me to enter texts, I was given speech recognition software. I can use this software to dictate and create my own documents on the PC. I can organise my home office days as far as possible so that they can be optimally coordinated with the availability of my personal assistants.

Dr Hartl also asked me how accessibility could be improved in the building. I have never experienced this before with an employer. I would like to emphasise that the level of accessibility here is excellent and anything but a matter of course. It starts with access to the building. I can use a spacious disabled parking space in the underground car park when coming and going and can get to the lifts and my office without any steps.

I am glad that I have been given the opportunity to get involved and make my contribution here! I would also like to thank you for the openness you have shown me. I can only say that Oberösterreichische is definitely a role model as an employer!

#schongenial: How do you organise your working day in the office?

Alexander Rosenauer: I come from Marchtrenk and am driven to OÖV in Linz by car. My personal assistant supports me here from 7.30 am. I'm currently desk-sharing with my colleague Ronni Spitzer and can use his desk on the 6th floor on some days, otherwise my workplace is on the 1st floor in the Claims, Special Liability department. What's particularly nice is that I can do 100 per cent of my work on the computer, so I'm highly independent both in the office and in my home office and can do my work independently except for support with a few everyday tasks!

#schongenial: Where do you find your balance?

Alexander Rosenauer: I really enjoy listening to audio books and occasionally reading books. I like to be active in sports and watch basketball games on TV. I enjoy eating Italian food or going to a coffee house and meeting up with friends. Before coronavirus, I also used to go to the cinema a lot, but now I mainly use streaming services. I also find relaxation on walks with my dog Adria.


#schongenial, how inclusion can be lived. A contribution that inspires.

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