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Sport & Health

FC Blau-Weiß Linz: Focus on diversity and tolerance

inclusive football, blau weiß linz

FC Blau-Weiß Linz is clearly committed to an open and diverse society in which hatred and hate speech have no place. During the fairplay action weeks 2023, the club actively campaigned against extremism in sport, thereby sending an important signal for tolerance and diversity.

Foto: Blau Weiß
Foto: Blau Weiß

The fairplay action weeks in football, which took place for the 24th time, focussed on the fight against extremism in sport and the promotion of an open society. In a statement, the club emphasised that hatred and hate speech have no place in Austrian football. As part of the fairplay action weeks, players and club officials took to the pitch during a home match with a clear message to show their support for diverse football. This action emphasises the club's willingness to actively stand up against all forms of discrimination and promote an inclusive football culture.

Inclusive football culture as a goal

FC Blau-Weiß Linz's call goes beyond the boundaries of the stadium. Everyone is called upon to stand up for an open and diverse football culture in which differences are accepted and respected. Nobody should have to be afraid of discrimination and marginalisation. The club emphasises that everyone is different, but equal in their rights. Differences in appearance, gender, religion, social background, physical abilities, love preferences or place of birth must not become the basis for hostility.

Sport should unite people

Sport, and football in particular, is used as a platform to emphasise commonalities, unite people and make their diversity visible. FC Blau-Weiß Linz not only calls for passivity, but also encourages each individual to actively participate in the creation of an inclusive football culture. Together, we can create a society in which diversity is seen as a strength and extremism has no place. The club is setting an example and hopes that many other football clubs will follow this path in order to create a tolerant and diverse sporting world together.

already brilliant!


Source: PA FC Blau-Weiß Linz

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