Trophies of the State Volunteer Award 2024
Photo credit: BKA Christoph Dunker
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State Prize for the Second Savings Bank

Volunteer State Prize 2024, Second Savings Bank, Inclusion

Zweite Sparkasse is a unique financial institution in Austria that offers people in difficult financial situations a second chance. Founded in 2006 as a non-profit initiative of Erste Bank and the savings banks, its aim is to support people in financial difficulties with a basic bank account and personalised advice. These services are designed to make it easier to get out of debt and promote financial independence.

The speciality of the Second Savings Bank lies in its structure and working methods. It is staffed exclusively by volunteers, most of whom come from the savings bank group and contribute their knowledge and experience after retirement. The bank works closely with partner organisations such as debt counselling services and social aid organisations. With this extraordinary philosophy, the bank has already helped tens of thousands of people to make a new start.

State award for voluntary and honorary commitment

Last week, Zweite Sparkasse received special recognition for its impressive commitment: it was awarded 3rd place in the inclusion category of the State Prize for Voluntary and Honorary Commitment. The State Prize recognises outstanding achievements in the field of voluntary work and civil society initiatives.

From a total of 194 submissions, Zweite Sparkasse was one of 16 projects to receive the award - and the only organisation that does not come directly from the social sector. This special position emphasises the innovative strength and unique contribution of the Second Savings Bank to the promotion of inclusion and social cohesion in Austria.

The Second Savings Bank of Sparkasse Oberösterreich is a prime example of this commitment. It currently employs 34 volunteers, all of whom are former Sparkasse employees. The volunteers, who are between 61 and 75 years old, bring not only their professional expertise, but also extraordinary dedication and joy to their work. The team spirit is strong and they are united by the common goal of helping people in difficult life situations.

Being honoured with the State Prize is an important recognition of the commitment of these people. It shows that the commitment to inclusion and solidarity can also have a great impact outside of traditional social organisations.


#It's #schongenial how civil society works and it's also great that this commitment is being officially recognised. Already genial.

It's nice to see so many positive things: