Man pours mineral water into glass
Photo: Ikhsan Sugiarto
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Cuisine & Culture

Mineral water sommelier - Natural diversity in a glass

mineral water austria, mineral water diversity, natural origin mineral water

Mineral water springs from the deepest layers of rock and often takes thousands of years to reach the unique composition that characterises it. Of pristine purity, untreated and uninfluenced by man, it is bottled directly at the source, without the use of containers or pipes, to preserve its purity until the bottle is opened.

Profession: Mineral water sommelier

Everyone knows them, the wine and beer sommeliers. However, few people realise that there are also mineral water sommeliers. Tina Kodritsch, an expert from the Natural Mineral Water Forum, explains that a mineral water sommelier should create quality awareness and spread knowledge about the diversity and value of natural mineral water. The training programme, which has also been offered in Austria since 2019, provides extensive knowledge of mineralogical, sensory and legal aspects, packaging and hydrogeology.

Differences to tap water

Exciting fact: tap water in Austria is known to be of the highest quality and represents flawless drinking water. Nevertheless, there is a decisive difference between mineral water and tap water. Tap water is subject to regional differences in flavour and quality and is often post-treated. Mineral water, on the other hand, remains in its original purity directly at the source and contains natural minerals and trace elements.

Creating more awareness for water as a source of life - brilliant!


