People at the inn
Photo: Kevin Curtis (Unsplash)
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Cuisine & Culture

Villagers revitalise the pub scene

village pub community, no dying pubs

Several villagers from Hochneukirchen-Gschaidt in the district of Wiener Neustadt are breaking new ground when it comes to their own pub infrastructure. After several years of planning, a pub has now opened on a co-operative basis, initiated and financed by the committed residents of the community.

Death of pubs leaves its mark, new ideas emerge

In 2020, the last remaining village inn had to close and the last tenant left the village. At this point, the idea of founding a special kind of inn was born. After two years of intensive discussions about the concept and the economic feasibility, the locals put their plan into action. The enthusiasm for the idea of founding a village inn on a co-operative basis was great among the villagers. A total of 6,000 shares of 150 euros each were subscribed, enabling the old inn to be renovated and remodelled.

The grand opening

In December 2023, the time had finally come - the inn opened its doors. Site manager and managing director Bernhard Heiss is delighted with the successful opening. Through their membership of the Hochneukirchen co-operative, the villagers show a strong connection with the restaurant. Johann Doppler, local councillor and co-initiator of the project, explains his ulterior motive: "If the village pub dies, the village dies. And now the village is coming back to life." Many now share his view that the new pub will have a positive impact on social life in the community.

The establishment of the pub on a co-operative basis in Hochneukirchen-Gschaidt is not only an example of the fight against the death of pubs, but also of the strengthening of the community. The residents have shown that they are prepared to actively take responsibility for their local catering and the social fabric of their village.

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Source: Barbara Scherhaufer-Baldauf,
