He emphasised the important, motivating role that trainers, coaches, lecturers and consultants play in supporting training participants.
Uli Röhsner, Managing Director of MAKAM Research GmbH, presented the results of the Continuing Education Study 2024, which was first conducted in 2009 in cooperation with Plattform Erwachsenenbildung. Based on a survey of 400 HR experts in companies with more than 20 employees, the study shows where the continuing education sector is heading.
Continuing education study 2024: The trends at a glance
- The most important training measures: Personal development (45%), technology & production (33%) and sales training & marketing (31%)
- Almost one in three companies are planning more budget for further training in 2024 than in the previous year and almost two thirds (64%) are keeping the budget at least the same size.
- Attitudes towards AI are changing: while only around one in two companies rated the rapid development of AI positively last year, this year the figure is already 64%.
- One in three companies is already using AI in HR work. The use of AI in HR work naturally correlates with the fundamental attitude towards technological development.
- 95% of companies are making specific demands of politicians in light of the upcoming national elections: First and foremost is a tax advantage for companies. 20% call for company bonuses for in-company training and 17% for individual training vouchers for employees.
Keynote speech "Skills development for the AI era: opportunities and risks for Austrian companies"
In her keynote speech, Gabriele Bolek-Fügl, Vice President of Women in AI Austria, discussed practical applications of AI in the corporate context. Using use cases, she explained what needs to be considered in order to optimise processes and increase business efficiency with AI. The risks and requirements in the area of data protection and legal compliance were discussed, particularly in the context of the new AI Act - including signposts and tips that companies can use to successfully navigate through the challenges.
Even in the AI era, Christian Bayer sees vocational training as a stable foundation for the future: "Crises, war and AI are creating upheavals in the economy and the labour market. In the Adult Education Platform, we form a network for cooperation and the exchange of best practice in continuing vocational education and training. In our practice-oriented educational formats, we support participants in learning together. With continuing education and networking, Austria remains educationally rich and successful!"
Enquiries & contact: The Platform for Vocational Adult Education is an association consisting of the leading private providers of vocational and business-related education and training:
- bit group - best in training , www.bit.at
- die Berater® www.dieberater.com
- ipcenter.at GmbH , www.ipcenter.at
- Seibersdorf Academy , www.seibersdorf-laboratories.at
- TÜV AUSTRIA Akademie GmbH, www.tuv-akademie.at